Sunday, November 14, 2010

cariocas: rise up

"The government wants to make the favelas safer for tourists because the view up here is amazing. […] Everyone here is focused on the World Cup and the Olympics," Patricia Correia Capistrano, a 28-year-old resident of Rocinha told the BBC News. Is that the logic behind all the fuss about the Police Pacifying Units (UPPs)?

For a complete version of this article, please visit The Rio Times.

1 comment:

  1. I see where you're headed and I agree - nice views and successful public events shouldn't be the reason behind government investments on favelas. However, nice views, safe places, and a successful World Cup and Olympics, will surely attract more tourism, which in turn will benefit the local economy (and hence the favelas).

    Does the end justify the means? In this case, I think it does...
